Quality Products that Support Food Safety

Prestige IncrediSan
Fast acting chlorine based, formulated for low temp dishmachines and glasswashers. Coupled with 120° degrees Fahrenheit water, its stable formula ensures a long shelf live, resulting in the required efficacy ratings of 50-100 ppm.
Ordering Information
Item# 1012302 2-1 gal
Item# 1012327 2-2.5 gal
Manual Products

Mark 10 Quat
Formulated to disinfect, clean and sanitize. Designed to sanitize in 3-comp sinks, food preparation and storage areas in restaurants, bars, kitchens and bakeries. Designed to disinfect in hotels, long term care centers and hospitals.
Ordering Information
Item# 1014602 2-1 gal
Item# 1014627 2-2.5 gal
All Purposes Cleaners & Degreasers

Mark Magic Multipurpose Cleaner
New gen polymer technology reduces labor by coating surfaces with a protective layer, reducing future cleaning times. Removes greasy film on contact for easy cleaning.
Ordering Information
Item# 1024536 6-32 oz
Item# 1024602 2-1 gal
Item# 1024627 2-2.5 gal
Floor Cleaners