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Conveyor dishmachines are designed to give maximum cleaning for 44" & 66" length tanks and are designed for both low and high temperatures. The curtains minimize the transfer of water from tank to tank during the wash, rinse and san procedures.

Jackson, Wareforce 44
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 44” in Length
Large 25" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
225 racks / 900 covers per hour
.68 gallons of water per rack
Exclusive EnergyGuard controls
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 44” in Length
Large 19" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
249 racks / 996 covers per hour
.46 gallons of water per rack
Energy Star Version 2.0 Certified
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 44” in Length | Tall
Large 25" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
249 racks / 996 covers per hour
.46 gallons of water per rack
Energy Star Version 2.0 Certified

Jackson, Wareforce 66
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 66” in Length | Tall
Large 25" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
Extra 18" separation section between wash and rinse
225 racks / 900 covers per hour
.68 gallons of water per rack
Exclusive EnergyGuard controls
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 66” in Length
Large 19" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
249 racks / 996 covers per hour
.46 gallons of water per rack
Energy Star Version 2.0 Certified
High Temperature-Low Temperature | 66” in Length | Tall
Large 25" opening accommodates larger items and utensils
249 racks / 996 covers per hour
.46 gallons of water per rack
Energy Star Version 2.0 Certified
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